I don’t think you were wrong when you said the Colts had the upper hand. I think Irsay and Ballard managed this whole thing pretty well. Two things may have changed an argued for an immediate payoff to JT: 1. The play of Richardson. His dramatic start to the season probably made the case to add a warrior — a happy one — as a possible; and 2. They were convinced in recent days he’s 100% healthy and will shift into beast mode if they feed him now. I would add that the compensation places him in the appropriate place in the pecking order of premier backs so they didn’t have to overpay. Now they know what they have left to work with as they add pieces throughout AR’s rookie contract.

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I think Dale hit it on the head. I think they wanted to make sure Taylor was healthy and to see how Richardson would play. If he had played like a 21 year old and they were 0-4, they have waited until end of season. They easily could be 3-1 right now. Jacksonville isn't yet running away with division, so we are in a pretty good position. Finally, I think the agent and the owner mucked things up where pride go involved. Both should have kept it private and let Ballard work it out. I think great deal for each side!!

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I don’t think the Colts ever had a problem with an extension, it was just a matter of evaluating how the team looked first. If the team stinks, the trade value of a star RB means more than the player. If they start 0-4, they’re trading him for draft picks.

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The reason it didn’t happen 2 months ago? He hadn’t demonstrated the ankle was good. He wouldn’t practice. Now that he’s demonstrated that he’s healthy, albeit behind the scenes, the extension gets done. No big mystery there.

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You teach people how to treat you. The Colts just taught every player how to get exactly what they want. BK, you weren't wrong about anything - you just didn't think the Colts would become an origami puzzle and fold. They could have given him what he wanted in the first place and looked much better. Now everyone just looks petty. I sure hope JT stays healthy and can show he's worth all the money and drama.

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So we wasted 1 or 2 possible wins to the start season for absolutely no reason. Wtf?? Who holds in next now?

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I think the Colts only committed to 2 additional years and gave Taylor a raise this year. By the time his contract expires, it will be time to pay Richardson and we'll have likely already drafted Taylor's replacement.

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Wow. Well, if we’ve all learned one thing over the years, it’s that you can’t believe the Colts management’s words. Beyond that, as you point out, why take this long to get to this conclusion?! It is very possible Taylor could have made a difference in one or both of their losses to date, and in a division where every team is 2-2, that could mean the playoffs or not. I don’t get the flip flop by Irsay and the Colts from what they said earlier. Glad he’s going to be here though. Hope he stays healthy and productive long enough to make this a good deal for the team.

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I wouldn’t feel bad at all. Hard to believe that Colts gave him an extension now. I am really glad that this was done. But they could have done this in August. Maybe they did it because they might have a good chance to make the playoffs. Who know why but it’s done and we all can celebrate. 👍

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Let’s NOT kids ourselves. Taylor is committed to the team who was gonna PAY him .....

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Like all people that go to their jobs.

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Knew you were the bigger man, Bob. Much respect.

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I think a lot of us thought the same thing Bob. Granted you've got a LOT more experience and a lot more intimate experience with situations like this, but it definitely seemed like your finger was directly on the pulse and there was little room to conclude anything different than what you did. But as a fan, I'm glad that you got the L on this one haha

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Why now??

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I think Irsay had to reach a level of comfort with extending Taylor before he felt the time was right. He said he thought it was too soon, but ultimately decided he was "comfortable with the 4-year average". I'm not sure what that last part means. Regardless, the deed is done.

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Everyone talks about not believing the words of Colts owner/management. They don’t have an obligation to share their hand with us. They have an obligation to put together a team for those invested in it… ticket holders, the fans, and the community. That all can’t be done if they share every inner detail, as much as we want to know. That episode aired in July by both sides and look where it got them. For those who say they didn’t see this coming, think about how neither the Colts or JT were sharing anything these past few months. Isn’t it fair to assume both sides realized they had to shut down the public drama if anything was going to transpire? In doing so, we were rightfully left in the dark. When the time was right, we all knew. That was the best for everyone… the Colts, JT, and the fans. I am extremely excited for all!!

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Nice Vonnegut ending!

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