The rational thing for JT is to suit up and play. We should hope he’s reached that obvious conclusion.

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I just can’t believe he won’t be smart enough to suit up and play.

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Pride is a powerful thing….but so is winning. He starts playing and we go on a winning streak, wounds can heal pretty fast.

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Let's hope he values winning in the coming weeks more than he has thus far.

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Thanks, Bob, for laying it out there. I guess we will see come Monday Oct. 2nd.

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He needs to suit up, but will his heart be in it? Who wants that toxic situation on the team.

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The Colts put him on PUP because he SAID he was injured, essentially calling his bluff. I'm guessing he realizes that now, and the implications of it. I don't think the Colts care if he plays this year or not. I think if he comes out next week and still tries to hold-in by implying he's injured, then the Colts oblige him and slap him on PUP for the rest of the year. Then they get him NEXT year at his same rate. I think if the contract tolls he still gets paid this year, but even then, two years of that is cheaper than one year of the franchise tag. So since he's already missed 4 games.....why not just put him in the bank for next year? This is all unlikely, but don't be so sure the Colts want him to play now that he's already missed the 4 games.

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He should hold out until week 10 or whatever it is with the extra games and then get his accrued year.

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He can't. Hes got 21 days after the initial 4 games to either be on the active roster or its PUP the rest of the year

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The Colts should absolutely play hard ball. For me personally, it is because just a few months ago he was saying he wanted to be a Colt for life & he had a contract signed already that he intended to play out. Next thing you know, new agent, totally different JT. He shouldn't have signed a 4 yr contract if he only intended to play 3 yrs. Period.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

At some point the sheer passage of time starts to work against you when you're not playing, and your best season was 2 years ago, soon to be 3. This is ESPECIALLY true when you're asking for a huge financial commitment.

If I'm the Colts--or any other team--I have FAITH that Taylor is still an elite player. What I don't have is actual EVIDENCE--that can only come by suiting up and setting the world on fire. If ever there were a time to do that, then surely it is now.

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