Mailbag, anyone?
Send me your questions on anything -- sports, journalism, whatever's on your mind -- and I'll try not to sound like a dope when I answer them.
I’ll be honest. I’m not totally sure this is the proper way to do a mailbag on Substack, but these last few months have been a journey of discovery, so…what the hell. Let’s see if we can get a conversation going in the comments and I’ll reply once I have a decent number. I’m also open to thoughts or suggestions on the site, things I can do better or change. I think the mailbag is a start, and I’ll do more of those quick-hitting Musings of an Old Sportswriter column, but I’d be curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks so much.
Anthony Richardson’s injury made me think about the players medical insurance. I assume the Colts pick up the tab for surgery but how are players covered?
What is your gut on what IU is going to do after the football season with Coach Allen? $25 million is a lot but it’s clear the ship is sinking. Maybe they can get an unforeseen win or 2 before the season is over but right now that looks unlikely.