I will never understand the appeal of Pat McAfee.

He continues to prove he is a tone deaf bro.

Apparently there is lots of money to be made in pandering to the lowest common denominator.

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But that is the model, build the controversy (engagement), do not apologize (outrage), and make it a culture thing. As somebody at Michigan State, as a prof, the pain of what has happened to the survivors can never be measured. It is real and still is felt. Pat’s desire to be clever and edgy using the evil of sexual abuse, of all things, shows me his character. We are in a pathetic era of saying all the bad things out loud, because it makes for drama.

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Disney has little tolerance for loud noise from detractors - especially when the detractors are right.

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This is overwrought hand wringing. His job is to entertain, not to inform. He's trying to be funny...he missed and his punishment is getting no laughs and some heartache. But an apology? I'm all for accountability and apologizing when there is real damage, but this is more "invented" damage than real.

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No point now. Any apology would be insincere and apparently, out of character. That's worse than not apologizing. He's just a dumb neanderthal trying to appeal to other dumb neanderthals.

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People in the media are paid to publish provocative and opinionated positions. To participate in the 24/7 news cycles their response has to be immediate and frequent. Pat has probably "learned" not to be so quick with a quip many times. But he can't help himself. But there is no hate in McAfee. It is also a good thing for consumers of this news to want to keep the issue of sexual predators among us alive. So I don't have a problem with you writing about it. Win, win on both sides but no need to throw shade on Pat for a non apology.

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I like Pat McAfee.

I was impressed when he decided to leave the NFL and bet on himself.

I don’t know why he is defending a statement that really makes no sense.

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Bob I love ya but stick to sports commentary. Social justice commentary is best left to others.

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Not really a story.

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The media is too often the story these days. I read all these outlets for the sports.

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Pat is an acquired taste and not everyone likes his style. I like the man but don't follow his show. Do I think he should apologize? Probably. I am not in a position to tell a grown man what he needs to do however. Will it change my opinion of him? Not in the least, because as I said I like the man but not his antics. Just my 2 cents worth.

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ESPN and Disney’s tolerance for Pat’s whimsy is going to be so interesting to follow. Unfiltered does not exist easily in Bristol and Pat is a brilliant unfiltered media voice. He’s also very amiable. Can Pat play ball to the point ESPN/Disney can keep him while being unfiltered enough to be edgy? Is access to Aaron Rodgers enough to get ESPN/Disney look the other way when he he talks to a friend on Twitter?

Get your popcorn.

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I have always believed that you can joke about anything as long as it’s funny. Some of the best jokes are the ones you hate yourself for laughing at. I didn’t see the uniforms or the tweet and am not talking about this specific joke. Again, I don’t have an opinion on it as I missed this whole controversy.

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